Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur...
Network: Nickelodeon
Genres: Action
, Adventure
, Animation
Year: 2012 Rating: 90 Runtime: 22 Summary: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back in an all-new animated series on Nickelodeon! Surfacing topside for the first time on their fifteenth birthday, the titular turtles, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello, find that life out of the sewers isn't exactly what they thought it would be. Now the turtles must work together as a team to take on new enemies that arise to take over New York City.
When Shredder plans to create an army of mutants, the Turtles must rely on the help of the Pulverizer, who was recruited into the Foot (to be expendable) and volunteers to gather information on the inside on their behalf. When he agrees to be a test subject for a stolen supply of Kraang Mutagen, the Turtles rescue him, but not before he recklessly gets himself mutated.